Post Tagged with: "under the pyramids"

Meet the artist under the pyramids

Today, something a little different. I have been interviewed by Marie Gilles, artist and author of the French blog La Lune Mauve. We have been working together over the course of […]

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We took leave of him in the morning, with a simple look which both meant that we no longer belonged to the living and that, if we ever returned from our […]

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The moon, white, shines in the trees: From each bright branch a voice flees Beneath leaves that move, O well-beloved. The pools reflect a mirror’s depth, The silhouette of willows’ wet […]

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A Ghost trapped in Limbo

Left to walk the dark forlorn, From here to eternity. Sometimes I feel so alone, Like no one can see or feel, As a ghost trapped in limbo The only one […]

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Also called Tasseography, Tasseomancy is the divinatory art of reading tea leaves and coffee grounds. Like Palmistry, it is particularly associated with witches and gypsies who popularised it but it has […]

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La Flamme & le Lys

Au pied de la falaiseOù du soleil apparaissentLes glorieuses armures du peupleRevendiquant enfin son dûLa révolte débutéeMaintenant ravive la flammeDu désir de la véritéEt d’avenir libre et justeUne éternité achevéeSe dresse […]

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La Clef d’Argent

​​Then, one night, his grandfather reminded him of a key. The grey old scholar […] spoke long and earnestly of their ancient line, and of the ​​strange visions of the delicate […]

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Sel Noir

​​​​​​​​​​​Ever since antiquity, a great power has always been attributed to salt. Salt has been used by witches and cunning folks for many years to purify, protect and ward off negative […]

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Castel Pyramids

Room for every nightmare… A nightmare in every room […] Step into the « House Of The Long Shadows ». Where The Answer Awaits You – Or Does It? – Michael […]

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Dost thou see a book before thee?

Thomasin: Black Phillip, I conjure thee to speak to me. Speak as thou dost speak to Jonas and Mercy. Dost thou understand my English tongue? Answer me. Black Phillip: What dost […]

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