Post Tagged with: "Magie"


Also called Tasseography, Tasseomancy is the divinatory art of reading tea leaves and coffee grounds. Like Palmistry, it is particularly associated with witches and gypsies who popularised it but it has […]

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Dur Écu, Glanis & Cabre d’Or

While William the Conqueror was fighting the Bretons, an enemy aimed his axe at his head. One of William’s companions saved him by interposing his shield between the axe & William’s […]

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Fleur de Poussière

The threshold to the seance parlour has not been crossed for many moons. The air is intoxicating, filled with the scent of a myriad of fainted roses, rich draperies weighed down […]

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Bespoke is an adjective for anything commissioned to a particular specification. It may be altered or tailored to the customs, tastes, or usage of an individual purchaser. Origin: The word “bespoke” […]

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Black Planet

In the western sky – My kingdom come So still, so dark all over Europe And I ride down the highway 101 By the side of the ocean headed for sunset […]

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The Seiðr (Old Norse for cord, string, snare) is a form of pre-Christian Norse magic and shamanism concerned with discerning and altering the course of destiny by re-weaving part of destiny’s […]

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Crystals and candles

In the center of the ceiling was suspended a crystal quartz chandelier, and when its sixty candles threw their light here and there, its facetted pendants, its balls, its pyramids, its […]

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La Ronde du Sabbat

… And their steps shake the arches colossal and high, Disturbing the dead in their tombs close by. “Satan sees you, ha! With your coarse hands out-thrust, In the midst of […]

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La Pedra del Diable

A menhir is a rude monolith set up on end, a great single stone, the base of which is buried deep in the soil. Thus “menhir” seems to be derived from […]

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Sciences Occultes

I have recently been interviewed by Sciences Occultes magazine. They turned it into a biography but I wanted to publish the whole content of the interview. Mainly because what I share […]

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In the Alchemists Guild. He pushed open a door. It was a large room, heavily outfitted with the usual badly ventilated furnaces, rows of bubbling crucibles, and one stuffed alligator. Things […]

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