
Dur Écu, Glanis & Cabre d’Or

While William the Conqueror was fighting the Bretons, an enemy aimed his axe at his head. One of William’s companions saved him by interposing his shield between the axe & William’s […]

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Le bonheur vient, nous touche et nous parle à genoux Pressons nos mains. Sois grave. Écoute encor… PersonneN’est plus heureux ce soir, n’est plus divin que nous. C’est notre heure éternelle, […]

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Summer Solstice

Run laughing towards the serpent’s jaws, where England meets the sea Breathe in the old dreams of the dead that travel on the winds A taste of salt, of love, of […]

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Fleur de Poussière

The threshold to the seance parlour has not been crossed for many moons. The air is intoxicating, filled with the scent of a myriad of fainted roses, rich draperies weighed down […]

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The veil is thinning

It was the night of October 31, 1936. Halloween night. The men and women sat at the round table with joined hands. They awaited the message – the message they had […]

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