Run laughing towards the serpent’s jaws, where England meets the sea
Breathe in the old dreams of the dead that travel on the winds
A taste of salt, of love, of things left unsaid, undone
A face like sunlight that burns my eyes and my soul
That haunts and comforts, whispers of what could have been
In broken days that lie beneath a broken tree
I call to no one or to the gods, who never reply
The years that have melted away, and a future like a sickness waits to destroy
I will drown in the blood of summer

 – Sol Invictus – Blood of  Summer –

under the pyramids - solstice 1

– Merry Summer Solstice to all –

Summer is, by far, my least favourite season but I love celebrating the turn of the wheel so here are some Sun Symbols – Dagskip, the Sun-Carrying boat petroglyph, Sun-Cross and Sól rune – (along with an Algiz).
I matched them with their Vegan biscuits equivalents. I used buckwheat flour, olive oil and added lemon zest and calendula petals for a very sunny feel. And, of course, I used the cookie cutters I ordered from Alexey of Runic Cookie.


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under the pyramids - solstice 8

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under the pyramids - solstice 6

under the pyramids - solstice 9

under the pyramids - solstice 7

f r e n c h

That haunts and comforts, whispers of what could have been
In broken days that lie beneath a broken tree
I call to no one or to the gods, who never reply
The years that have melted away, and a future like a sickness waits to destroy
I will drown in the blood of summer

 – Sol Invictus – Blood of  Summer

under the pyramids - solstice 1

Un Joyeux Solstice d’Été à tous –

L’été est la saison que j’aime le moins, et de loin, mais j’aime beaucoup célébrer l’enchaînement des saisons. Voici donc quelques symboles solaires – Dagskip, le bateau pétroglyphe transportant le soleil, Une Roue Solaire et une rune Sól – (ainsi qu’un Algiz).
Je les ai associés à leurs équivalents en biscuits Vegan. J’ai utilisé de la farine de sarrasin, de l’huile d’olive et ai ajouté du zeste de citron et des pétales de calendula pour une touche estivale. Et, bien entendu, j’ai utilisé les emporte-pièces commandés auprès d’Alexey de Runic Cookie.
