Par où la Terre finit

Puisque c’est à la tombée de la nuit que prend son vol l’oiseau de Minerve, c’est le moment de parler de vous, chemins qui vous effacez de cette terre victime. Vous […]

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Also called Tasseography, Tasseomancy is the divinatory art of reading tea leaves and coffee grounds. Like Palmistry, it is particularly associated with witches and gypsies who popularised it but it has […]

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May you be well, and ever fortunate

Megadorus – May you be well, and ever fortunate, Euclio!Euclio – May the Gods bless you, Megadorus!✥(Megadorus – Saluus atque fortunatus, Euclio, semper sies !Euclio – Di te ament, Megadorus !) […]

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Solve & Coagula

I. This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:II. As below, so above ; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.III. […]

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Goblin Market

White and golden Lizzie stood,Like a lily in a flood,Like a rock of blue-vein’d stoneLash’d by tides obstreperously,Like a beacon left aloneIn a hoary roaring sea,Sending up a golden fire,Like a […]

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Baskania & Fortunatus

The dead hare casts an Evil Eye upon me.(Ho lagôs me baskainei tethnikôs.) – Pherecrates – Fragment 189 – (translation John H. Elliott) –

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Death has […] the clothes of a poet and the smile of your best friend. She wears a top hat for fun, her Ankh necklace for power, and carries a big […]

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Key to Hell

There must be a Hell. A place for demons. A place for the damned. Hell is Heaven’s reflection. Heaven’s shadow. They define each other. There must be a Hell for without […]

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La Flamme & le Lys

Au pied de la falaiseOù du soleil apparaissentLes glorieuses armures du peupleRevendiquant enfin son dûLa révolte débutéeMaintenant ravive la flammeDu désir de la véritéEt d’avenir libre et justeUne éternité achevéeSe dresse […]

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Dea Marica

Dea Marica was a Roman Goddess associated with swamps, salt-marshes and bogs. She was considered the Goddess of enchantment & spellcraft, the wild woods, salt-marshes and their abundant wildlife.Her name is […]

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The Key to the Secret Garden

It was an old key which looked as if it had been buried a long time.Mistress Mary stood up and looked at it with an almost frightened face as it hung […]

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La Clef d’Argent

​​Then, one night, his grandfather reminded him of a key. The grey old scholar […] spoke long and earnestly of their ancient line, and of the ​​strange visions of the delicate […]

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