Articles by: under the pyramids

Dur Écu, Glanis & Cabre d’Or

While William the Conqueror was fighting the Bretons, an enemy aimed his axe at his head. One of William’s companions saved him by interposing his shield between the axe & William’s […]

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Allfather * took Night, and Day his son, and gave to them two horses and two chariots, and sent them up into the heavens, to ride round about the earth every […]

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Le bonheur vient, nous touche et nous parle à genoux Pressons nos mains. Sois grave. Écoute encor… PersonneN’est plus heureux ce soir, n’est plus divin que nous. C’est notre heure éternelle, […]

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« When in the heart of darkness the dagger will be set ablaze, follow the wand and the key will come to you » They remembered this ancient adage when in the […]

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Castel Pyramids

Room for every nightmare… A nightmare in every room […] Step into the « House Of The Long Shadows ». Where The Answer Awaits You – Or Does It? – Michael […]

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One by one we go into the Dark

Make of me a weapon, make me a vessel of proofOne by one we go into the darkThe movement itself is the only truth – Spectral Wound – Woods from Which […]

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Dost thou see a book before thee?

Thomasin: Black Phillip, I conjure thee to speak to me. Speak as thou dost speak to Jonas and Mercy. Dost thou understand my English tongue? Answer me. Black Phillip: What dost […]

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Summer Solstice

Run laughing towards the serpent’s jaws, where England meets the sea Breathe in the old dreams of the dead that travel on the winds A taste of salt, of love, of […]

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Monas Hieroglyphica

Although the semicircle of the Moon is placed above the circle of the Sun and would appear to be superior, nevertheless we know that the Sun is ruler and King. We […]

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