Post Tagged with: "triple moon"

A Ghost trapped in Limbo

Left to walk the dark forlorn, From here to eternity. Sometimes I feel so alone, Like no one can see or feel, As a ghost trapped in limbo The only one […]

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My mother was the moon

If I were a spider and my mother was the moon Out came the sun and dried off her cocoon Underneath the water I would live and die too soon If […]

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Les Champs léthargiques II

La foule des vivants rit et suit sa folie, Tantôt pour son plaisir, tantôt pour son tourment ; Mais par les morts muets, par les morts qu’on oublie, Moi, rêveur, je […]

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Esbat & Sabbat

There are eight Sabbats that make up the Wheel of the Year. The Sabbats are solar, seasonal and represent the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. The Esbats are the […]

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Bespoke is an adjective for anything commissioned to a particular specification. It may be altered or tailored to the customs, tastes, or usage of an individual purchaser. Origin: The word “bespoke” […]

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