Post Tagged with: "Helena Aguilar Mayans"


Frau Gaubenslosher was strongly suspected of witchcraft. […] And it must be confessed appearances were against the Frau. In the first place, she lived quite alone in a forest. This was […]

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A tyrant Spell has bound me

The night is darkening round me, The wild winds coldly blow; But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. […] Clouds beyond clouds above me, Wastes beyond […]

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The Gray turns Gold

There is a woodland witch who lies […] The dragon-flies, brass-bright and blue, Are signs she works her sorcery through; Weird, wizard characters she weaves Her spells with under forest leaves […]

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The veil is thinning

It was the night of October 31, 1936. Halloween night. The men and women sat at the round table with joined hands. They awaited the message – the message they had […]

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The Conjurer

Con·jur·er [kʌndʒərə] noun: 1. a person who conjures spirits or practices magic; magician 2. a person who practises magic; sorcerer

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Augusta Perusia

The blood is dripping little by little along the stepping stones, and I am frightened to feel that I am dreamed, in the wind, by the impassive shine of the highest […]

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La Ronde du Sabbat

… And their steps shake the arches colossal and high, Disturbing the dead in their tombs close by. “Satan sees you, ha! With your coarse hands out-thrust, In the midst of […]

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La Pedra del Diable

A menhir is a rude monolith set up on end, a great single stone, the base of which is buried deep in the soil. Thus “menhir” seems to be derived from […]

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