Post Tagged with: "Helena Aguilar Mayans"

Basilique Fantôme

Ghost basilica, huge and imprecise, buried under the tropical forest: two monsters, eaten away by time and all bearded with lichen guard the entrance […] At the other end opens a […]

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A Ghost trapped in Limbo

Left to walk the dark forlorn, From here to eternity. Sometimes I feel so alone, Like no one can see or feel, As a ghost trapped in limbo The only one […]

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Dreaming of lost Faerie Tales

The pandemonium of the mind Faint memories of a distant time Incessant reveries lost within Hidden treasures, enclosed therein Bien loin d’ici Seemingly present, truthfully absent Failing to connect, with the […]

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Par où la Terre finit

Puisque c’est à la tombée de la nuit que prend son vol l’oiseau de Minerve, c’est le moment de parler de vous, chemins qui vous effacez de cette terre victime. Vous […]

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Goblin Market

White and golden Lizzie stood,Like a lily in a flood,Like a rock of blue-vein’d stoneLash’d by tides obstreperously,Like a beacon left aloneIn a hoary roaring sea,Sending up a golden fire,Like a […]

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Dost thou see a book before thee?

Thomasin: Black Phillip, I conjure thee to speak to me. Speak as thou dost speak to Jonas and Mercy. Dost thou understand my English tongue? Answer me. Black Phillip: What dost […]

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Les Champs léthargiques II

La foule des vivants rit et suit sa folie, Tantôt pour son plaisir, tantôt pour son tourment ; Mais par les morts muets, par les morts qu’on oublie, Moi, rêveur, je […]

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Les Champs léthargiques I

La foule des vivants rit et suit sa folie, Tantôt pour son plaisir, tantôt pour son tourment ; Mais par les morts muets, par les morts qu’on oublie, Moi, rêveur, je […]

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Pale, beyond Porch and Portal

Pale, beyond porch and portal, Crowned with calm leaves, she stands Who gathers all things mortal With cold immortal hands; […] She waits for each and other, She waits for all […]

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The Empty House

See this house, how dark it is Beneath its vast-boughed trees! […] “Secrets”, sighs the night-wind, “Vacancy is all I find; Every keyhole I have made Wails a summons, faint and […]

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No Silver Crucifix

I don’t want to live in this world There are too many vampires in this world No silver crucifix could fix This old world – without you – King Dude – […]

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