Post Tagged with: "argentique"

Par où la Terre finit

Puisque c’est à la tombée de la nuit que prend son vol l’oiseau de Minerve, c’est le moment de parler de vous, chemins qui vous effacez de cette terre victime. Vous […]

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Castel Pyramids

Room for every nightmare… A nightmare in every room […] Step into the « House Of The Long Shadows ». Where The Answer Awaits You – Or Does It? – Michael […]

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La couronne effeuillée II

J’irai, j’irai porter ma couronne effeuillée Au jardin de mon père où revit toute fleur ; J’y répandrai longtemps mon âme agenouillée : Mon père a des secrets pour vaincre la […]

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La couronne effeuillée I

J’irai, j’irai porter ma couronne effeuillée Au jardin de mon père où revit toute fleur ; J’y répandrai longtemps mon âme agenouillée : Mon père a des secrets pour vaincre la […]

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Pale, beyond Porch and Portal

Pale, beyond porch and portal, Crowned with calm leaves, she stands Who gathers all things mortal With cold immortal hands; […] She waits for each and other, She waits for all […]

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The Empty House

See this house, how dark it is Beneath its vast-boughed trees! […] “Secrets”, sighs the night-wind, “Vacancy is all I find; Every keyhole I have made Wails a summons, faint and […]

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The Conjurer

Con·jur·er [kʌndʒərə] noun: 1. a person who conjures spirits or practices magic; magician 2. a person who practises magic; sorcerer

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A Faded Picture

Oh, I want to go back / To my happy place That disappeared from view / Such a long, long time ago It’s a faded picture / Hanging on my wall […]

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The three Sisters

I want to make a confession, dear sisters. My soul is in pain. I will confess to you, and never again to anybody… I’ll tell you this minute. [Softly] It’s my […]

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