Articles by: under the pyramids

Ode to Autumn

Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with […]

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New Blood IV

Ereshkigal was the Sumerian Goddess of Attalu, the land of the dead and ancestral memories. Ereshkigal, the dark moon Goddess, represents the devouring of life and its subsequent renewal. She rules […]

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It will rise in perfect Light

Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. – Sarah Williams – The […]

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To create the illusion of a corpse floating into the river, for his painting Ophelia, John Everett Millais had his model, Elizabeth Siddal, posing in a bathtub full of water. Millais […]

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New Blood III

These New Blood posts are becoming a tradition. A simple post to share the latest creations.

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The Dream in the Witch House

Mazurewicz came home at six o’clock and said people at the mill were whispering that the Walpurgis-revels would be held in the dark ravine beyond Meadow Hill where the old white […]

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La Chambre Bleue

When I awoke, I was alone, in a small, simple room […] walls covered with printed Jouy cottons […] Alas ! I was not long to realise that I had not […]

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Les Désenchantées

In the afternoon they brought me silk blouses, lace, fans, jewellery. Then, I asked to be left alone in my room. I simply wanted to try to see clearly within myself. […]

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Celadon refers to both a colour and a type of glaze typical to China (Chinese: qingci青瓷, literally “green porcelain”) and the Far East. This green or translucent blue-gray glaze is especially […]

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Aether & Dark Matter

Aether & Dark Matter is a video directed by Stephanie Luu featuring under the pyramids jewels on a music created by Gwendolinoleum. Alchemy of Symbols and Colours. Aether and Dark Matter.

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