Articles by: under the pyramids

No Silver Crucifix

I don’t want to live in this world There are too many vampires in this world No silver crucifix could fix This old world – without you – King Dude – […]

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I bring you Gold and Silver Moons

Girl with the burning golden eyes, And red-bird song, and snowy throat: I bring you gold and silver moons, And diamond stars, and mists that float. I bring you moons and […]

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Bespoke is an adjective for anything commissioned to a particular specification. It may be altered or tailored to the customs, tastes, or usage of an individual purchaser. Origin: The word “bespoke” […]

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Frau Gaubenslosher was strongly suspected of witchcraft. […] And it must be confessed appearances were against the Frau. In the first place, she lived quite alone in a forest. This was […]

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Like slithers of a Fallen Moon

Lightlessness. Each man’s hands clutch at spears and amulets. My own fill with hacksilver, its small grey fragments like slithers of a fallen moon – Laura Webb – Coda, from An […]

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A tyrant Spell has bound me

The night is darkening round me, The wild winds coldly blow; But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. […] Clouds beyond clouds above me, Wastes beyond […]

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The Gray turns Gold

There is a woodland witch who lies […] The dragon-flies, brass-bright and blue, Are signs she works her sorcery through; Weird, wizard characters she weaves Her spells with under forest leaves […]

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Dracula’s Guest

She told me that she did not like the idea of your being in that house all by yourself, and that she thought you took too much strong tea. In fact […]

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Hammer House of Vials

The friendly folks at Hammer Films Ltd., the British specialists in horror flicks, have this thing about tiny glass vials. They’ll use a vial or two in almost every movie they […]

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Black Planet

In the western sky – My kingdom come So still, so dark all over Europe And I ride down the highway 101 By the side of the ocean headed for sunset […]

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The Seiðr (Old Norse for cord, string, snare) is a form of pre-Christian Norse magic and shamanism concerned with discerning and altering the course of destiny by re-weaving part of destiny’s […]

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