Articles by: under the pyramids

Les Champs léthargiques I

La foule des vivants rit et suit sa folie, Tantôt pour son plaisir, tantôt pour son tourment ; Mais par les morts muets, par les morts qu’on oublie, Moi, rêveur, je […]

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Esbat & Sabbat

There are eight Sabbats that make up the Wheel of the Year. The Sabbats are solar, seasonal and represent the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. The Esbats are the […]

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New Blood VII

For the American-Indians, the Sunrise / Sun Rays symbol represents perenniality and constancy. In Native crafts, its presence goes far back in history. The Sun destroys all the bad energy using his […]

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Pale, beyond Porch and Portal

Pale, beyond porch and portal, Crowned with calm leaves, she stands Who gathers all things mortal With cold immortal hands; […] She waits for each and other, She waits for all […]

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The Empty House

See this house, how dark it is Beneath its vast-boughed trees! […] “Secrets”, sighs the night-wind, “Vacancy is all I find; Every keyhole I have made Wails a summons, faint and […]

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La Petite Danseuse

Even this heart of mine has something artificial. The dancers have sewn it into a bag of pink satin, pink satin slightly faded, like their dancing shoes. – Edgar Degas –

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When on a Summer’s Morn I wake

When on a summer’s morn I wake, And open my two eyes, Out to the clear, born-singing rills My bird-like spirit flies. […] And when Time strikes the hour for sleep, […]

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New Blood V

To many North American Native people, the pine tree is a symbol of wisdom and longevity. For some, its needles and sap protect people from illnesses, witchcraft and more. Among the […]

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