Articles by: under the pyramids

Under the Sign of the Triangle

And, behind this monster face, far away in the rear, on the top of those undefined and gently undulating sandhills, three apocalyptic signs rise up against the sky, those rose-coloured triangles, […]

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The Order of the Triangle

Arithmetic ! Algebra ! Geometry ! Grandiose trinity ! Luminous triangle ! Whoever has not known you is without sense ! – Comte de Lautréamont –

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Crystal Points

For a stone, when it is examined, will be found a mountain in miniature. The fineness of Nature’s work is so great, that, into a single block, a foot or two […]

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The elegance of Relics

The collection contained also most interesting relics. There were robes, jewels, swords of honor, and every kind of “testimonials of esteem” ; a king’s skull fashioned into a wine cup […] […]

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All the Magic I need

I got sinister things waiting for you in my rattle bag Egyptian rings, and the dust of kings, and the tooth of a hag The bones of Keats, the tongues of […]

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The Apsáalooke Talisman

The Indian name of the Crow tribe – Apsáalooke – means “children of the large-beaked bird”, a name given by their neighbouring tribe, the Hidatsa.

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Light-up & Juggle

Pauline Darley‘s work is utterly delicate, she has a very unique way to work with light and one can feel the connection she has with her models. She makes them look […]

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Dust & Bones

19th century architecture, Art Nouveau iron-works, squeaky wooden floors, dusty window-cases and hand-written labels … The Paleontology & Compared Anatomy Galleries of the Natural History Museum is one of these “out […]

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Catching the Light

Some beautiful sunlight, at last. Perfect to re-energize my talismans … and take prettier close-up pictures.

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