Articles by: under the pyramids

New Blood

Just a quick note to inform you that the new jewels of the MEGALITHS collection have (finally) been added to the shop! – Lunar Oracle amulet –

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La Reine des Neiges

The snow-flakes grew larger and larger, till at last they looked just like great white fowls. Suddenly they flew on one side; the large sledge stopped, and the person who drove […]

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Half Moon

For the Half Moon / Petit Clown serie featuring Gaelle Mancina, Pauline Darley and her crew spent a day in our flat. On this image, Pauline used several Talismans. And all […]

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:Of the Triangle and the Moon:

Blackened days and silver nights / Golden lanterns flaming lights The blur of things and fight of dreams / The pain and tears and lack of faith A thousand stars a […]

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Couleurs électriques

Tu n’impressionnes personne Dans tes Filas lamentables Douleur affective / Pullover eighties Couleurs électriques / Shoes de skate Etnies Salopette en jean / Galipettes en slip Produits mercantiles / Appuie-tête en […]

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The Ynglinga Saga

For men of consequence a mound should be raised to their memory, and for all other warriors who had been distinguished for manhood a standing stone, a custom that remained long […]

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Frondes Agrestes

Leaves motionless. The strong pines wave above them, and the weak grasses tremble beside them. – John Ruskin –

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Augusta Perusia

The blood is dripping little by little along the stepping stones, and I am frightened to feel that I am dreamed, in the wind, by the impassive shine of the highest […]

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Mon âme est la Forêt

My soul is the forest of which the dark foliage Is flooded, for you alone, with suave murmurs And golden rays! – Victor Hugo – Lorsque l’enfant paraît –

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Le pâle Hortensia

Myrtho, enchantress, goddess, on my mind! Lofty Posillipo, that teemed with light; Your brow, awash with eastern splendour bright, Your golden tresses with black grapes entwined! In your cup, too, I […]

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La Ronde du Sabbat

… And their steps shake the arches colossal and high, Disturbing the dead in their tombs close by. “Satan sees you, ha! With your coarse hands out-thrust, In the midst of […]

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