Circe, daughter of the Sun, recited curses and spoke magic words,
worshipping unknown gods, with unknown incantations,
by which she used to dim the face of the bright moon,
and veil her father’s orb, with moisture-loving cloud.

– Ovid (translation A.S. Kline) – Metamorphoses

under the pyramids x aryhadne - She made up prayers and said them 1

I am sharing today another analogue serie by photographer and visual artist Aryhadnë featuring her muse, graphic designer Sofía.


under the pyramids x aryhadne - She made up prayers and said them 2

 – Runic Amulet II & Runic Amulet ear-studs –

under the pyramids x aryhadne - She made up prayers and said them 3

 – Vördr Totem, Runic bracelet & Runic Amulet,II

under the pyramids x aryhadne - She made up prayers and said them 4

 f r e n c h 

Alors Circe, la fille du Soleil, commence ses charmes magiques. Elle dit des mots funestes.
Elle invoque des dieux inconnus, dans des chants plus inconnus encore,
avec lesquels elle a coutume de troubler le visage argenté de la lune
et d’envelopper d’épais nuages la face de son père.

– Ovide (traduction G.T. Villenave) – Les métamorphoses

under the pyramids x aryhadne - She made up prayers and said them 1

Je partage aujourd’hui une nouvelle série argentique de la photographe Aryhadnë mettant en scène la graphiste Sofía.
