This is the English translation of the interview I did for Etsy France. The French version can be found here.
Featured seller : under the pyramids
Photo : Pauline Darley
Hôtel Bohème took place last week-end. Mathyld who runs the Under The Pyramids shop won the Etsy x Hôtel Bohème partnership grant and attended the event on march 19 & 20. Meet this parisian girl, half French, half French-Canadian, self-taught crafter.
Photo : Fallinpics
Can you describe your brand in a few words ?
▲under the pyramids▲ came to life a year ago, during the night of Walpurgis 2010. The name comes from a short story ghostwritten by H.P. Lovecraft that came out in 1924 under the name of Houdini.
I create jewels and accessories for men and women.
I gather inspiration in lost civilisations, the mists of time, the power of nature and magick … But also in the writings & arts of the 19th century. While trying to keep up with my “edgy” side.
What do you do, apart from creating things ?
Creating is my only activity. But I recently started Dj-ing and I quite enjoyed it !
How much time do you spend creating ?
I’d say that creation never stops, really. When one isn’t crafting, one is getting inspired, taking notes. Inspiration lies everywhere. And I consider it to be a major aspect of creation.
To sum it up, I seek inspiration during the day and craft by night.
Photo : Pauline Darley
Can you describe your working routine ?
I like to hunt down the perfect vintage elements : vials, ethnic jewels parts but also crystals and gems that I pick individually.
I try to dig up things that won’t be found anywhere else.
For metal parts I use only sterling siler. It is really important to me.
My ties are entirely hand-sewn. Which I adore because it allows me to carry my work with me at all times !
These are some of the reasons why I only make one of a kind items, or very limited series.
What does handmade mean to you ?
Of course I love the idea of making a piece “happen”. Make it from scratch. It’s practically magical, to me.
But what I find totally mesmerising with handmade is the fact that it keeps up with a tradition that goes back to the depths of time.
Why having chosen Etsy ?
It was an evidence, to me. I didn’t even have to think about it. Etsy rules !
What would be your advices to a crafter who’d like to get started and open an Etsy shop ?
I believe that among anythingelse, one should be proud of what one has to offer.
And, of course, the attention to details (pictures, items names, descriptive texts, etc.) so it translates one’s universe as acurately as possible.
What do you do to promote your creations ?
I mainly communicate through my website and my blog. And I try to collaborate with artists whose work I appreciate.
Apart from that, after resisting for a while, I now use social networks (facebook, twitter) as well as flickr, tumblr and polyvore !
I am also sold at ChineMachine (22 rue Vieuville, Paris 18ème).
Where would you like to be in 10 years time?
No idea. It doesn’t really matter, as long as I am happy !
But I know fairly well where I’ll be in 10 days time ! This season, the Orsay Museum both organises an exhibition about Preraphaelite photography and a Hammer films festival (!!!) … All the things I love !
Under the Pyramids will be at Hôtel BohêmeSaturday 19 and Sunday 20 march, noon to 8pm6 rue Beauregard, Paris 2
Métro “Bonne nouvelle”Free Entrance